Saturday 21 June 2008

Hello girls!

JONAS Brothers Nick, Joe and Kevin are pop music’s latest heart-throbs.

The squeaky-clean trio — already huge in the US — make teenage girls’ hearts
flutter but at the same time nauseate "real" music fans.

But you’d get better used to them. Their self-titled album release will be
followed by a big-screen debut in new Disney movie Camp Rock.

Nick, 15, Joe, 18, and Kevin, 20, are already millionaires but things weren’t
so rosy 18 months ago when they were dumped by Columbia Records after debut
album It’s About Time flopped.

But saved by Disney, they signed to Hollywood Records and starred alongside
Miley Cyrus on TV’s The Hannah Montana Show.
Here, they talk to JACQUI SWIFT about their success, cracking
Britain and appealing to anyone over 14.You’re massive in the US. Are you expecting the same reaction in the UK? Nick: We can only hope and pray that happens. For us, it’s just living
out our dreams and we will leave the rest for our fans to decide.
Camp Rock vs Hannah Montana – why is yours a better film for kids? Joe: It is really hard to pick between the two. We’re really excited
about Camp Rock as it’s our first real acting experience.

But working with Miley has been amazing and we hope to work with her again
You were dropped after your first album. Did you worry it was all over? Kevin: There were times we thought that but we definitely hoped that
things would happen. Then we paired up with Disney and we began to fulfil
our dreams.
Your core fanbase is young girls but what will you do when they grow up? Kevin: We plan to grow up with them. We write our own music and play a
range of instruments so as we get older our music is going to grow.

We learn so much from our fans of all ages every day — what they like and who
they are as people.
Describe your sound. Nick: It’s very Seventies and Eighties-inspired — upbeat pop rock. We
grew up listening to Johnny Cash, Elvis Costello, Stevie Wonder, Prince and
The Rascals.
Which are your favourite songs on the new album? Kevin: Nick and I like SOS because it’s a fun song you can dance to but
it still talks about heartbreak. Joe likes Still In Love With You.
Nick, you suffer from diabetes and even wrote a song about it . . . Nick: It’s called A Little Bit Longer and is the title track of our
next record, out next year in the UK.

I wrote it while I was in Canada filming Camp Rock.
What are your ambitions for the rest of your Jonas Brothers career? Nick: Continue making records, acting and touring. We’ve also started
producing and writing for other artists. We’re writing for Demi Lovato, our
Camp Rock co-star.
Will there be solo albums? Joe: We’re not planning any but we would consider side projects. We
would never be able to leave the band as we feel stronger as a unit.
Any other things you’d like to try? Kevin: Continue writing and producing and maybe bring out a clothing
line. We want to continue making music for the rest of our lives.